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Things'll change, after just forty or so of the fights he hates! He won't be sitting anymore, he won't be sitting in a blank featureless room! He's looking to advance his station in life! |
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"Now, uhhh... Hmm. You wanna go out, Haschwaldt? Maybe, I dunno, grab a bite? Long day. Yeeeep." |
Can you blame them for wanting to take it a bit easy? A solid ninety percent of this whole war saga has been about commuting between various planes of existence. Bopping between heaven, hell and three or four other goddamn pocket dimensions a dozen times in a day has got to be an exhausting itinerary. Besides, the whole of reality is about to receive a fresh new paint job; any sightseeing they might have been able to do on their wild Chutes and Ladders ride through space has been rendered thoroughly un-Tripadvisor-able!
So there's only one thing left for us. Let's all take a page from the clear vital moral this series is trying to tell us, sit down with a , and ramble about inconsequential filler fluff in a disorganized fashion!
The Mystery of the (Previously) Sitting Sulking Soul King!
Who could forget the mysterious bad boy, the character so charismatic he can stare the universe into behaving without speaking a single word!What would we do without his regal guidance? With his standing around and doing nothing but look pretty, he serves just as much utility as modern day royalty down here among the living!
Reasons we've been supplied to care about the Soul King dying:
*The world will end
*Yhwach has some grudge against him
*He had bone-shaped pupils
*It's a cliffhanger
Of these, the most gripping is clearly the frog eyes. I mean, he was in a goddamn cocoon. You can't tell me he wasn't a beautiful tadpole about to hatch and clean this wretched Soul Society by using Water Gun.
And Yhwach had to TAKE IT AWAY!!
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Get that man some immediate medical attention! He's an amputee!! |
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Damn, Soul King, you have such an interesting blood splatter style. Forensic scientists must hate you! |
Well, the reason he's missing at least one of his limbs is because his right hand is a grotesque eye god worshiped by the commoners!
Relatable! |
It intervened to save baby Ukitake from his lethal lung disease, and then no doubt his parents bargained with it further to make Ukitake captain-level powerful. Let's just say divine hands need divine handjobs.
So in order to cover for the Soul King's shameful unkingly faux pas of getting stabbed through the chest and by that dint generally mucking up his cosmic policy management, kind, loyal Ukitake sacrificed his lungs and died to replace the Soul King.
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"Yeah, they told me it's a Maori tribal design. But then it started moving and shit, and don't look at me like that, I ain't toked since yesterday." |
Not pictured: Ichigo trying to lick his nose |
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Graduating from almighty to surprisingly mighty!
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Nah, dude, that piddly level of power is shit the Board at Goldman Sachs yawns at. |
I guess we should be thanking Bach, though? The universe isn't going to collapse anymore, right? What was his goal again? What are we supposed to be worried about? I'm so fucking confused.
This series is so incoherent, nothing makes any sense. I hope we get some more explanation down the line, but I'm sure Kubo will provide the information we need to make all this click, and prioritize the germane information at that!
In the meantime, all we can be sure of is that wherever it is Ukitake's sitting now, he's joined Komamura in the club of captains who offered up an organ in the line of duty.
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Look, it was foreshadowed right there! |
Ichibei Sits After a Tiring Stomp!
Sorry, dude! Jeez!![]() |
"As long as you don't upskirt me." |
Ichibei's fight was one of the only genuinely entertaining scuffles, with the likably jolly yet badass old man pulling dozens of cool-sounding abilities that have to do with the power of names and words.
*He has strength enough to send you flying 1,000 ri
*He can halve your power level by slicing your name
*He knows the names of all things
*He can control all of the world's "black" and thereby render his enemy unto a mere black ant.
*He can summon a giant foot, too!
I dare say he's the most creative character in Bleach since ages ago.
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Well if THAT ain't an unfortunate typesetting mistake! |
Then Bach wins via his bullshit hax, the invincible ability to KNOW EVERYTHING HE SEES and BE UNTOUCHABLE BY EVERYTHING HE KNOWS. ("The Almighty.") Jesus Christ, Kubo, I thought you'd learned your lesson not to write yourself into a corner from the Aizen ordeal. How the fuck is Ichigo supposed to beat this guy if he can't even defy his orders?? Also, what a boring copout ability. It's like when little kids play make believe and one just bypasses all creativity and imagination with a super duper impregnable force field. Well, thanks for ending the fun, Timmy.
Why this wasn't a factor in Bach's previous fight, I don't know. I guess in order to understand Kubo's Russian nesting doll of secrets I need eyes like Bach's!
"You know what they always say: A man can never have enough eyes." |
So Bach was invincible to begin with, but he really wanted was the power to sit on his duff at the Soul Palace of his dreams. Personally, I'd have shot for the sweepstakes win.
Now That Yhwach Is Soul King, His Righteous Reign Will Resume the Sitting
Yhwach was no stranger to not doing much of anything for long periods of time, of course. For one, there was the whole 999 years of immobility business (the itching of his mustache would have driven a lesser man insane). Even before whatever wacky series of misunderstandings caused him and Soul Society to have an unfortunate falling out, he was not exactly a go-getter as an infant.![]() |
Get a job, freeloader! |
"...I should stop killing my soldiers." |
Pictured: Sternritters filling into Bach's mustache. |
Five! Five places for sitting! |
I would like to remind the readers that before introducing any sort of insight into Yhwach's inner being, anything about him that might make this struggle against him thematically engaging, Kubo literally showed us what he'd do with unlimited power and it was--a different configuration of whiteness, then sit.
There's only so long you can string readers along before you have to start supplying information, context. Otherwise the "mystery" isn't so much intriguing as it is empty.
There's only so long you can string readers along before you have to start supplying information, context. Otherwise the "mystery" isn't so much intriguing as it is empty.
Aizen and His Wonder Chair!
You know who else we know next to nothing about??![]() |
"Where are your wings!?" |
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"How did I lose an eye? Isn't it obvious? I finally managed to choke one off but alas, was unable to direct the spray." |
Soul Society did him a favor sticking him in that chair, though--no longer will the spine of Aizen's unnerving 11-head-tall body need to be braced by a butterfly ectoskeleton. (Advancements in butterfly extoskeletons are painfully slow and unconscionably underfunded!) No, they have given him the ultimate answer in ergonomics. That which is blessed to be warmed by history's most powerful cheeks--The chair that's truly fit for a soul king!
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For all your shooting it down needs, call 555-...... |
Grimmjow Sits On Our Plot, Only to Get Off the Pot
Well, if it isn't everybody's most take-him-or-leave-him afterthought mystery foot himself! Finally decided to join the party, eh, Grimmjow? Nice, it only took a million years since the mystery foot cliffhanger, but now that you're around, I'm sure you'll remain an important fixture of the proceedings!![]() |
The chapter he makes his triumphant return, he's sidelined in short order by a bevy of other characters whose relevance outside of ticking off a send-of-series checklist is questionable at best.![]() |
Pictured: end result of the mashing of countless tormented souls, a being of relentless aching hunger |
But you know, I can think of someone else who might resent Neliel right now...
Haribel Continues to Sit With Pride and Style, Showing Grimmjow How It's Done
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"Hellooooo? I want my souls now, please." |
RUS 10.0
USA 10.0
CHN 10.0
FRA 10.0
Halibel isn't the only one who's used to periphery existence, however...
Asshole Beret and RIRURIRURIRU Sit Back Down Precisely One Chapter After Being Reintroduced
In case you aren't privy to some of my finest, most expertly crafted works of hate speech, I get a kick out of despising Dokugamine Riruka. You'll remember that it's not my fault, since Dokugamine means "erroneous conception, birthed of sheer folly" and Riruka means "If her head were divested from her neck by the snapping, slavering jaws of a gigantic hyena, people would stop complaining about all things."
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"Is that what you're wearing to save the world? No no, it's nothing. I just didn't think you were stupid, is all." |
A being such as Riruka existing is far more fanciful and alien a concept than any Hollow or mad Quinzi could ever be. As we speak, my fist is pulsating with atomic power at the thought of punching away the segment of the grand scroll of human history that lead up to her, thereby coring out modern medicine and the development of human rights ideals as acceptable losses.
The ways Riruka should suffer:
a. Have scrotum skin surgically implanted over her forehead with 500% more nerve endings than a normal scrotum so that a nail may be subsequently driven into said scrotum skin, penetrating her brain just deep enough to inject a key stimulating agent to hypercharge her pain center.
b. Lure her into a fun water balloon fight, only for her to discover the water balloons are actually filled with surprise! lava.
c. An inescapable dinner date at a particularly unhygienic Subway's with U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert, his voice chemically altered to sound like the unholy marriage of a vuvuzela and a kazoo.
d. Force her at gunpoint to read aloud the entire Fullbringer arc while unceasingly eating a steady stream of donuts at the same time.
e. Ask her to babysit Asshole Beret.
In his magnanimity, Kubo truly picked the most torturous of the lot!
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"On second thought, I'm not sure I want to preserve a world that has you in it." "Omg, I feel the same way!!" |
Speaking of Fullbringers...
Tsukishima Sits Over History
A casual reminder that Tsukishima could solve all of this extremely easily. Among the myriad other infinities of things he could do to alter the past, it's not hard to kick a catatonic baby in the head. Don't stop kicking till mama sees blood from the other room! Personally, I would love to see a final villain fall by having his head kicked in as a baby.
Kubo Sits For a Living
It takes a man of incredible resolve to stew in the miasma of his own farts for days on end, no matter how magnificently those farts smell of unadulterated Kubo.
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Kubo Fact 1: Kubo siphons sugar from objects through the suction organs in his incisors to fuel his long days of manga |
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Kubo Fact 2: That's a lot of ink to be inhaling without one's brain being affected |
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Kubo Fact 3: The white things of this world are his to command. |
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Kubo Fact 4: This is a little known picture of him auditioning for ISIS |
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Kubo Fact 5: Five assistants went into the making of this weiner |
I really need to start my article on the soul king.
ReplyDelete" sit down with a" what ? A what ?
ReplyDeleteI MUST KNOW !
"...I should stop killing my soldiers."
ReplyDeleteWho are you and what have you done with the real Bach ? Also no, please, sit down, literally any sign of self awareness puts you leagues above Bach. Have some tea.
"There's only so long you can string readers along before you have to start supplying information, context. Otherwise the "mystery" isn't so much intriguing as it is empty."
ReplyDeleteBut Glib ol' bean that is precisely what the "mystery" in Bleach always was. Because not even Kubo knows what his characters are talking about, and he usually has them alude to things in the most generifc, non specific terms imaginable so really, he's not having them "foreshadow" anyting but just repeatedly go "we have a secret that someone else you know may perhaps also know but we won't say either way and we will also not adress whether or not this secret has anything to do with you".
Surprisingly in probably MORE words then that.
It's not even that much D. Kubo will just pick a random chapter, then a random page, then a random bit some character said or did, and insert something pertaining to it in a later chapter and say it was foreshadowed. Oh that reminds me, I should get to work on the "Kubo's 4 Levels of Secrets". Or as I like to call it, Kubo's Bullshit Insurance Policy.